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Tsubasa Watanabe

In captivating silence, the music lays the foundations as this Japanese artist builds a passionate choreography that fuses his technical mastery and creativity with diabolo and dance. He skims the contours of objects and people, exploring inner landscapes as elusive as the fog that envelops them. Standing on the corner of a street, he touches, feels and shares everything that makes up that space, giving birth to a unique performance.

Tsubasa Watanabe will perform and tell his story using his highly skilled and creative Diabolo technique incorporated into various dance movements. A graduate of Japan's International Circus School, he has been touring the festival in Europe for a number of years, and his interesting body language has won over European audiences.

" A double dance in a single dance "

- Umore Azoka Leioa (ES)

" His show is on the border between street arts 


and Kabuki theater a Japanese form that
   is very expressive and exaggerated. "


Festival International des Arts de la Rue BASTID'Art
(1st Prize)

Shizuoka Diabolo Contest
(Performance category 1st Prize)

 Brouwsels op Straat 
(2nd Prize)

Internationales Kleinkunstfestival Insel Usedom
(5th Jury Prize)

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